About the programs

About the programs

The Bottom Line

Budapes Art Quest is the practical implementation of an alternative educational concept striving for versatility. We organize walks in the city where participants can explore the given topic in an interactive way, through their own activities and experiences, and at the same time discover lesser-known, secluded places of well-known parts of the city. The exploratory tours developed by an expert educator focus on a comprehensive visual education concept that extends reception to other art forms like literature, music, and certain disciplines, such as history, culture, ethnography and psychology. The goal of the recipient is to create something, get acquainted with certain types of visual arts, solve creative tasks in a way that is easy for everyone to implement.This type of activity is much more and different than just a sightseeing tour or lesson. It offers many beneficial effects to participants, the information received is better preserved, transformed into real knowledge, while helping to relieve stressful situations that dominate everyday life and developing a lot of skills, abilities and competences.

Skills Development

What are they? For example, critical thinking. The transfer of knowledge is not realized through a torrent of lexical information, but through a series of two-way, proactive steps. We also learn a lot during our joint work. Not only activities, but also learning are two-way. We are open to creative, imaginative and novel solutions, and we are happy to use them in our further work. During the solution of the tasks, the participants work in teamwork, so they learn to think together, adapt flexibly and solve problems. Their communication skills also improve, as they often have to put a joint result on the table, and have to put the right questions to the tour guide to solve the given problem. The themes are ones that also develop their cultural awareness. As a result of these exciting experiences, people from other countries also become open to different segments of Hungarian culture. The Hungarian audience can delve into topics that they may have heard about before, but have certainly not dealt with in such depth and in such a complex, comprehensive approach.Inclusion also requires a certain level of technological proficiency (internet, use of mobile applications, application of elements of digital logic). If you don’t own such skills, can learn them on the spot. The program also develops participants' depth of visual perception, delicate motor skills, memory and learning abilities. We try to awaken in our guests their curiosity, their willingness to research, their interest in arts and cultures. These qualities can be important forstudents in particular, therefore classes and school groups are especially welcome in our programs. The end result is intended to be an experience where everyone learns a lot about themselves and about the feelings of others. This way, you can go home strengthened in your self-knowledge and fulfilling your skills for empathy.

Who do we recommend it to?

Basically, three target groups:

For individuals,

whether foreigners or nationals.

For schools, student groups, camps,

where our program can be an interesting addition to the curriculum, it can be a different approach.

For companies, corporations,

with team building and partying together in mind.